Synopsis on Auditor’s Reporting Key Audit Consideration issued by ICAI
Forming an opinion on the financial statement (FS) by the auditors and
reporting is dealt by revised SA 700 (unmodified opinion). For modified
opinion revised SA 705 is required to be followed. Modified opinion
(qualified opinion) are basically given under two circumstances i.e.
(a) based on audit evidences available the FS is not free from
material misstatement or
(b) unable to obtain sufficient evidences on FS and hence auditors
are required to modify their opinion.
Further revised SA 706 (effective from 1st April 2018) states about the
additional communication by the auditors to draw the attention of users of
FS for certain issue which are of prime importance. These additional
observations by the auditors are given in the auditor’s report in the form of
“Emphasis of the matter “or “Other matters “. Such a way of reporting is
not a modified opinion and at the same time important issues are
communicated to the users of FS.
IN view of COVID-19:
ICAI has published Auditor’s Reporting Key Audit Considerations
amid COVID-19 whereby the auditors have to consider the impact of
COVID-19 for reporting purpose as regards to:
(i) Whether sufficient and appropriate audit evidence is available?
(ii) Whether the impact on the business has been assessed by the
management (cash flow, revenue / operation)?
(iii) Events occurring after year end and before issuance of report
(iv) Impact on the going concern concept due to Covid -19.
(v) Whether disclosure of impact has been made in FS by the
After assessing the above the auditors has to take call whether to issue
unmodified, modified or report with Emphasis or other matter or a clean
As per the publication issued by ICAI, it suggests issuing modified report
under the following circumstances:
(a) Failure to recognize adequate impairment of assets (whole
assets including current assets)
(b) adequate provision for obligation not made
(c) no proper disclosure of assessment of impact of covid-19 where
there is adverse impact on FS
(d) Due to lock down etc the auditors are not able to obtain
sufficient evidences so as to conclude that FS are free from
material mis statement
Where going concern has been affected (for this separate guideline has
been issued by the ICAI) the reporting would be in accordance with SA
Further the publication also suggest that : wherever the management has
made substantive disclosures of Covid-19 related issues in the FS and the
auditors are satisfied about its assessment and its adequacy then the
EMPHASIS OF MATTER paragraph may be included in the auditor’s
report in the following manner :
“Emphasis of matter – (EOM) Effects of COVID-19
We draw attention to Note X in the Financial statements, which
describes the economic and social [consequences/disruption] the
entity is facing as a result of COVID-19 which is impacting [supply
chains / consumer demand/ Financial markets/commodity prices/
personnel available for work and or being able to access offices]. Our
opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.”
Undoubtedly almost all the business has been adversely affected in some
form or other Due to COVID-19. The auditor has to issue his opinion based
(a) sufficient appropriate audit evidence
(b) whether uncorrected misstatements are material, individually or
in aggregate
(c) Further evaluation as required vide Para 12-15 of SA
It is also noticed that maximum impact would be in the current financial
year 2020-21 but the current period of April to May/June or till the date of
signing the report, the auditors would be able to assess the
recoverability/payment of assets and liabilities on 31st March 2020 as
regard to debtors , stock, advances , other receipts , creditors etc. Further
they shall be in a position to well assess the impact of Covid in FS 2020-21
In view of the above the following can be summarized:
1. A suitable note stating that the Impact of COVID -19
should be given in Notes to Accounts.
Estimation uncertainty relating to the global health
pandemic on COVID-19
In assessing the recoverability of receivables including unbilled
receivables, contract assets and contract costs, goodwill,
intangible assets, and certain investments, the Company has
considered internal and external information upto the date of
approval of these standalone financial results including credit
reports and economic forecasts. The Company has performed
sensitivity analysis on the assumptions used and based on
current indicators of future economic conditions, the Company
expects to recover the carrying amount of these assets. The
impact of the global health pandemic may be different from that
estimated as at the date of approval of these standalone financial
results and the Company will continue to closely monitor any
material changes to future economic conditions.
2. The auditors reporting be given for EOM pattern (SA 706) and
the example of such reporting are: as given above / suggested by
this guideline.